Monday, June 13, 2011

Nothing else to do at 3am

Its 3am, and Im awake downing dry toast and ginger-ale in a desperate attempt to calm my stomach.  So to pass the time I'll update the blog.

Gardening Frontier:  The garden is doing well, we have tomatoes.  They are still green, but we're looking forward to eating our veggies soon.  We are having a serious mosquito problem which added with my frequent fatigue is making the weeding a challenge.  I always start with the tomatoes b/c they are my favorite plants right now and then I usually get 3 rows in before having to go inside, which means the last three rows have more weeds than veggie plants.   But we're still loving the garden, and from now on I will force myself to weed the other side of the garden.

Construction:  We are ready to install the new floor, now we just need to buy it so we can get started.  Hopefully it will be in before July.

Bees:  Aaron's first attempt at grafting larvae and rearing queens was a bust.  Originally he thought 8/13 grafts took, but it turns out the bees were just building comb and not developing the queen cells (a cell in the comb that the queen larvae grows in).  He was sad, but knowing Aaron he will master queen rearing very soon.  There is a strong nectar flow in CT right now and the bees are making lots of honey.  

Things will be slow this week since Im going to be out of commission part of tue and all of wed.  Im really looking forward to Thursday, the day I get to refill my belly/colon with yummy foods :)

1 comment:

  1. Just dropping by to say hi. Love your blog. Sorry you can't sleep though. Hope you feel better soon.
